Member Registration


How can I become a member of the Cyprus Patients’ Associations Federation?

To register as a member with the Cyprus Patients’ Associations Federation, you’ll need to provide a letter expressing your desire to become a member. Additionally, a note outlining your association’s programs, goals, members, etc., is required. Finally, you’ll need your association’s statute and audited financial statements.

For assistance in preparing the note, you can use the application posted on our website titled “Final Application for Organization Member Details of CyFPA.

Criteria for Registering New Members in CyFPA

The organization’s statute provides the following regarding the registration of associations as members of CPATF.
Article 3:

  • Member associations can be patients’ associations and associations of patients’ friends. Founding associations automatically become members. The registration of another association as a member occurs after a request submitted to the Federation’s Board of Directors. If the request is rejected, it can be appealed to the National General Assembly, whose decision is final.
  • Each member association retains its autonomy and continues to operate based on its own statute.
  • Individuals or organizations can become Supporting Members. Registration of an individual or organization as a Supporting Member occurs after an application submitted to the Federation’s Board of Directors. Supporting Members can attend
  • National General Assemblies, participate in discussions but do not have the right to vote or to be elected to the Federation’s offices. They also cannot participate in the decision-making voting process. Their contribution, especially in specialized knowledge areas, can be particularly beneficial.
  • Honorary members are proclaimed by the Annual General Assembly for their meritorious service, individuals who have worked beneficially for the purposes of the Federation or provided significant services for the progress and promotion of the Federation’s objectives.

The following criteria and obligations are decided for the organizations that will apply to become members of CyFPA.

  1. The candidate organizations should have district offices or a nationwide structure and operation. Represent patients.
  2. The organization’s goals and areas of interest should relate to health issues and patient advocacy.
  3. The application should include the constitution and a registration certificate.
  4. Certified financial statements from the previous year (where available) should be attached with the application. Exceptions will be made where justified, to be decided by the Federation.
  5. An attachment of goals and activities summary should also be provided with the application.

The executive committee will review the applications according to the constitution and the criteria and will submit its recommendation to the Board of Directors of the Federation for the final decision.

Organization Member Information

Details of a CyFPA member organization

CyFPA representatives
1st representative
2nd representative