How can I become a member of the Cyprus Patients’ Associations Federation?
To register as a member with the Cyprus Patients’ Associations Federation, you’ll need to provide a letter expressing your desire to become a member. Additionally, a note outlining your association’s programs, goals, members, etc., is required. Finally, you’ll need your association’s statute and audited financial statements.
For assistance in preparing the note, you can use the application posted on our website titled “Final Application for Organization Member Details of CyFPA.
Criteria for Registering New Members in CyFPA
The organization’s statute provides the following regarding the registration of associations as members of CPATF.
Article 3:
The following criteria and obligations are decided for the organizations that will apply to become members of CyFPA.
The executive committee will review the applications according to the constitution and the criteria and will submit its recommendation to the Board of Directors of the Federation for the final decision.
Organization Member Information
Details of a CyFPA member organization
Agiasmaton 10, P.C 2230, Latsia,
P.O Box. 12831, 2253 – Nicosia, Cyprus