Consent for the Processing of Personal Data


The Purpose of Collecting and Processing Personal Data

The Federation of Patients’ Associations in Cyprus (CyFPA), within the framework of the Patient Rights Observatory (‘Observatory’), collects and processes personal data concerning you or minors on whose behalf you consent as a guardian, to examine and manage complaints/reports that have been communicated to it. It should be noted that in the handling of complaints, CyFPA may forward personal data to competent authorities only when required by the nature of the complaint and after obtaining your consent.

CyFPA Privacy Policy regarding Personal Data Processing

For more information about the processing of personal data by CyFPA within the framework of the Observatory’s operation, please read the ‘Privacy Policy of the Cyprus Federation of Patient Associations regarding the operation of the patient rights observatory,’ available on the website

Categories of Personal Data

For the operation purposes of the Observatory, we collect and process the following categories of personal data:

  • General identification and contact information
  • Health-related information: when relevant to the complaint/report submitted.

Revoking Consent

If you wish to withdraw your consent, please inform us in writing at the following address: Agiasmaton 10, Latsia 2230, or via email at

Please note that in such a case, we may not be able to effectively manage your complaint.